Little Fish Beer Archive: Every beer we have ever brewed

This is a history of every beer ever brewed at Little Fish Brewing Company. We are constantly improving our recipes, creating new recipes, brewing interesting one-off beers, and collaborating with friends. Have a look!


This porter, brewed with house-smoked malts, is a tribute to the freight train line that runs right on the edge of our property. We brew this coal-black ale with Ohio-grown barley, smoked in our custom smoker, with a mix of local hardwoods (cherry, chestnut oak, and applewood). If you are a fan of smoked beers, seek this one out!


Smoked porter
ABV: 5.8% %

Cacao – Coconut Lil’ Harvey’s

For this “treatment” beer, we took a couple kegs of our milk stout, and conditioned them on fresh-roasted organic cacao nibs and coconut shavings. It’s a very desserty experience that is only available in our taproom!

Milk stout with cacao & coconuts
ABV: 5.3 %

Everett’s Pale Ale

This beer was originally brewed to commemorate the birth of (co-founder & head brewer) Sean White’s son, Everett, born 5/30/2017. This very hop-forward pale ale is Sean’s ideal hoppy beer: Very aromatic, not too bitter, and with a crisp and clean malt body.

The malts used are mostly from Ohio, provided by Haus Malts, and there’s a touch of flaked ... Read More

Mosaic-hopped pale ale
ABV: 5.5 %


This Finnish Sahti (traditional farmhouse beer brewed with juniper & rye) was our Brewer’s Choice award for the 2017 Ohio Brew Week Homebrew competition. Homebrewer Jessica Ihms took 2nd place Best of Show, and stole our hearts with this intriguing beer. We scaled up her batch to our 10 barrel brewhouse, and brewed it with her here on October ... Read More

ABV: 7.6 %

Bike Beer!

“Bike Beer!”, our hoppy red ale brewed with Simcoe, Cascade, and Centennial hops, was first brewed to celebrate the opening of the bike path spur that links our road, Armitage Road, to the Hocking Adena Bikeway.

The Hocking Adena Bikeway is a 21 mile, virtually flat trail that follows an old railroad bed from the East side of Athens, through ... Read More

Hoppy red ale
ABV: 6 %


A tasty little Bavarian-style dark wheat ale. Snappy and light but with enough body for the fall weather.

ABV: 5.1 %

Passionfruit Reinheitsgewhat!?

“Reinheitsgewhat!?” is a series of beers inspired by German Berliner weisse. However, it leaves the malt-hops-water-yeast constrictions of the Reinheitsgebot behind. We actually use no hops, but rely on acidity and interesting herbs or spices to provide a counterbalance to the beer’s sweetness. Many, but not all, contain fruit.

This batch was brewed with Ohio barley & wheat, passionfruit puree, ... Read More

Tart wheat ale with passionfruit & spices
ABV: 4 %

Essential Oils

Our imperial I.P.A.: hopped aggressively, but not too bitterly, with Simcoe, Mosaic, and Citra pellet hops, as well as some “secret weapon” cryo-hop powder. It’s all about the hops. If you break it down to the glass, we literally use over 1/3 oz. of hops per 12 oz. serving.

Imperial I.P.A.
ABV: 8.2 %

My Many Smells, Volumes 1-3

We brewed this collaboration beer with head brewer Colin Vent of Seventh Son. Sean and Colin are both huge fans of the Dead Milkmen, and this beer is inspired by a song of theirs called “My Many Smells” We’ll spare you the lyrics, but suffice to say, we decided to make a barrel-aged funky saison with multiple variations of ... Read More

Barrel-aged tropical saison
ABV: 7 %

Wild Gift

We brewed this grisette (wheat-based farmhouse ale) with Ohio wheat and barley, and Czech Saaz hops. The name “Wild Gift” refers to the yeast that we used for this beer: we “captured” it from the outdoor space at the brewery. This was our first ten barrel batch of beer using this gift of a yeast.

We succesfully isolated a saison-like ... Read More

ABV: 4.9 %

Black Currant B.A. Woodthrush

This is a special taproom only, draft only, release of Woodthrush, aged in wine barrels for 20 months on black currant puree. It’s fantastically tart, dry, and puckery.

Wine barrel aged biere de garde with black currants
ABV: 7 %

Ridge Runner Lil’ Harvey’s

Our buddy Pat Balding roasts organic coffee under the name Ridge Runner Coffee. Ridge Runner Lil’ Harvey’s is a variation of Lil’ Harvey’s Milk Stout, cold-infused with whole Columbian Tolima coffee beans. Like Lil’ Harvey’s, we serve it on nitro, for maximum smoothness.

Tasting Notes: Up-front intense coffee aroma, roasted barley and toasty malts, medium bitterness. Very full-bodied.

5.5% abv, gluten-reduced

Locally roasted coffee milk stout
ABV: 5.5 %
Available In: Asset 3

Lil’ Harvey’s Milk Stout

Head brewer Sean White’s son, Harvey, was born on January 3rd 2014, and this is his “Birth Beer”. It was originally brewed at the Jackie O’s brewpub, and they kindly let Sean take the recipe with him when he left to start Little Fish.

This rich & smooth milk stout is served on nitro for maximum creamy texture. It includes ... Read More

Milk stout
ABV: 5.3 %
Available In: Asset 3

Shagbark Pilsner

When European brewers first started brewing in America with our native “six-row” barley, they found it had more husk, and therefore more husky flavor, than the European “two-row” barley they were used to. To reduce the husky flavors, they cut in a portion of corn, which has no husk at all. These beers were not the watered-down lagers you ... Read More

Pre-prohibition style American pilsner
ABV: 4.9 %

House I.P.A.

Our House I.P.A. is a rotational I.P.A., meaning we play around with different malt and hop combinations in every batch. The current version (House I.P.A. #14) is our first go at a Northeast Style I.P.A. It’s brewed with Ohio malted barley, flaked oats, Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe, Falconers Flight, and Centennial hops. 6.2% ABV.

P.S., For those interested in our I.P.A. ... Read More

I.P.A. with batch-to-batch ingredient variations
ABV: varies %

Cuke Saison

A single “treatment keg” of Saison du Poisson infused with over one pound per gallon of fresh local cucumbers from the farmers market. It’s not shy in the cuke department!

Saison infused with cucumbers
ABV: 5.9 %

And Now For Something Completely Different

This long-titled beer is the first beer we have released that used a significant portion of hops grown right on our trellises in the Little Fish green space. We harvested our vines fresh, and with the help of volunteers, we picked 45 pounds of fresh wet hops for the next day’s brew. Our friend Dave Volkman from Ohio Valley ... Read More

Fresh-hopped black saison
ABV: 6.3 %


(This beer has a great story…) Even before we opened Little Fish, we always wanted to sponsor a homebrew competition with a “Brewers’ Choice” award. Now every year, for the Ohio Brew Week homebrew competition, we choose one of the twenty-some beers from the best of show table to scale up and brew at our brewery, with the homebrewer ... Read More

Malty amber fest lager
ABV: 5.6 %
Available In: Asset 3

Reinheitsgewhat!? Verde

Tart, “hop-less” ale brewed with Ohio wheat and barley, gunpowder green tea, and lemongrass.

FUN FACT: Fermented with Hanseniaspora vinae, a lactic acid-producing yeast isolated from the bark of an ash tree.

Tart wheat ale with spices
ABV: 4.1 %


This saison is brewed with Ohio wheat & barley, and the juiciest hops we can source from the Pacific Northwest, including Equinox, Citra, Meridian, and Mosaic. The draft version is force carbonated, while the bottled version is bottle conditioned with our our “farmhouse friends” yeasts and Brettanomyces Bruxellensis. For more American hop character, we suggest drinking it fairly young. ... Read More

Wheat saison with citrusy-tropical American hops
ABV: 6.2 %